Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Discouraged and Reborn

I told myself I wouldn't get discouraged but apparently, I don't know myself as well as I thought I did. I got three agent rejections for my book, The Star Relic. They were polite, even encouraging but all I read was, NO! You suck and so does your book!

I worked so hard on the query letter. Still, it didn't win any of them over. Now, I can't  seem to sit down and write anymore. I have so much in my head, ready to be put on paper and that little voice, the whiny one, keeps saying, "Why waste you're time mate. No one will like it anyway." Did I mention that my little voice has an English accent?

I finally started writing again. I have about for stories going right now that are not complete, and two that are. I think they are all great stories. I'd read them and I read a lot! The Star Relic is an amazing story about shape shifters. Who doesn't like shape shifters? I specifically queried agents who wanted fantasy. I've gotten amazing reviews and feedback on this book from beta-readers, so now what? 

Well, I am not going to keep these rejections in my head or heart anymore!!! (I just pounded on the desk with a closed fist, which means I am serious and determined.) There are thousands of agents and publishers. I will keep sending queries and in the meantime I will self publish ebooks, join a few writing contest, and basically move on. 

I'm a writer, no one will ever take that away from me.

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